1. Got up after sleeping with my Sweet husband who has been gone for a week....Baby kicked his arm while he was holding me it was very sweet.
2. Had a teenage boy ring my doorbell @7am to see my 13 year daughter----Not happening!!(She was sleeping)
3. Kissed my husband goodbye and went off in the rain to take pictures--dragging my 13 year old with me.
4. While taking pictures we saw a pig, cows, chickens and horses and lots of rain.
5. Went to stop @ the 7-11 for a potty break because hey who are we kidding huh? I am 25 weeks pregnant and my son hates my bladder and the guy informed me that they didn't have a public restroom...I then informed him that I needed a bathroom and would he have a 6 month pregnant woman run across a busy highway in the rain just to go potty!! Smile he let me use their unpublic bathroom!
6. I came home from making about 160.00 in 3 hours yeehaw!! And ate lunch with my lovely children and tired husband---He didn't sleep well last night hint hint Hey we are expecting baby #8 come on!!
7. I ate some really yummy Lemon head chewy candy thingys kinda like super jelly beans and if you eat too much your tongue hurts.
8. I got an email from one of our Elder's moms and she sent me her bread recipe that she uses to feed her 10 kiddos I can't wait to try it out!!
9. I chatted with my husband and the Elders for awhile-So glad they stop by they are AWESOME!!
10. Vegged out with husband and did laundry.
11. Made dinner--Homemade soft tacos yum yum except I now have heartburn that would and could kill a grown man.
12. I am now relaxing and listening to my husband snore......fun fun
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