Sunday, September 30, 2007

OK So I love a deal!

This happened yesterday for all you who might read this not Sunday I promise.....SO I am searching craigslist for treasures one ad catches my eye of course in the free section moving come get it today one day only ect. So I load all but one of my kids in the car-oldest has additude BIG ADDITUDE whole story in itself.... And off we go and find an outdoor firepit, a oak side table, and this cool table all roughed up!! My neighbor, Melynda is in to the same stuff and we go Trash pickin on Tuesdays and Wednesday nights trying to find cool stuff left on the curb for the garbage man, no we do not look in the cans we have principles!!! There are as Soapie puts it curly wormies called magnets in there~~~Just reminding me of a week or so ago when it was trash day and Soapie and Duck Duck (Melynda's littlest kiddo-no not his real name just what Soapie calls him) We were outside and they were playing and Duck Duck comes over and says to me Soapie and I found some wormies!! I think ok they are 4 great! Then my mommy senses perk up THEY ARE 4 WHAT WORMIES??? Soapie is sitting on the curb where the trash truck had just been and in her hand and Duck Duck's were white wormies-Classified by the 4 year olds as curly wormies and magnets..... Trying not to barf on my kiddo and freak out the neighbors I shake off their hands and immediately disinfect them. EWWWWWWWWWWWW little kiddos play with icky things. I guess being 4 makes you appreciate and love ALL God's creatures even the magnets!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Such A BAD MOMMY!!!!

OK so the missionaries were here yesterday at about 5pm sitting there chatting about the kiddos and suddenly I ask Gary What the date is??? It is September 27Th!!!! It is Lillybean's 2ND Birthday and I her Mommy FORGOT!!!
Hope I didn't Scar her too Much!! With all the moving going on Gary coming home I FORGOT!!! We Plan On Celebrating Monday UGGGHHH Does she Look traumatized to you?????

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Early Mornings

Blah~ To think I used to dread Early mornings! I actually enjoy sitting here in My office ( sounds so formal!! ) In absolute quiet before my day begins: Mommy where are my underwear? My reply is always did you look for your underwear???? Maybe this is one of the deals that comes from large families??? There is a mystical creature that has a thing for kiddos underwear, comes in the night and swipes a few here and there and is kin to the sock swiper and shoe swiper.... Guess I need to set a couple traps!!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Getting Settled

After Just Moving in I am at a point that if I see another cardboard box I think I might commit boxicide!! Unlike most people we have moved 12 times since we got married! The military has been moving us every 3 1/2 years and well because our family seems to be continually growing we have moved due to lack of room, scary locations, just to move into something closer to base ect. After awhile the excitement has truly lost it's luster!

The constant nagging the boxes seem to do drives Gary and myself crazy, the difference is that he is almost always gone when we move so it doesn't yet bother him to move. I on the other hand would enjoy just throwing boxes away or burning them at the stake!!!

The only reason I haven't is hello we need the items in the boxes! I have been throwing away things left and right all remnants of either stuff we kept from our big move to Charleston SC and tried to hang on to everything to make weight, or stained clothes from the normal acts of kiddos either way we have alot of stuff!!!

Australia Baby!!!

Went to Australia to see my baby had a blast!!

Logo For Sammie

Made This Logo For My buddy, Sam~ Just Love Her!!!
She is the only reason I would visit Kansas during a Tornado. She is my sister and love her so much!!!

My website Logo

Here is my website Logo!