This happened yesterday for all you who might read this not Sunday I promise.....SO I am searching craigslist for treasures one ad catches my eye of course in the free section moving come get it today one day only ect. So I load all but one of my kids in the car-oldest has additude BIG ADDITUDE whole story in itself.... And off we go and find an outdoor firepit, a oak side table, and this cool table all roughed up!! My neighbor, Melynda is in to the same stuff and we go Trash pickin on Tuesdays and Wednesday nights trying to find cool stuff left on the curb for the garbage man, no we do not look in the cans we have principles!!! There are as Soapie puts it curly wormies called magnets in there~~~Just reminding me of a week or so ago when it was trash day and Soapie and Duck Duck (Melynda's littlest kiddo-no not his real name just what Soapie calls him) We were outside and they were playing and Duck Duck comes over and says to me Soapie and I found some wormies!! I think ok they are 4 great! Then my mommy senses perk up THEY ARE 4 WHAT WORMIES??? Soapie is sitting on the curb where the trash truck had just been and in her hand and Duck Duck's were white wormies-Classified by the 4 year olds as curly wormies and magnets..... Trying not to barf on my kiddo and freak out the neighbors I shake off their hands and immediately disinfect them. EWWWWWWWWWWWW little kiddos play with icky things. I guess being 4 makes you appreciate and love ALL God's creatures even the magnets!!
Hey all, Haven't posted in awhile. I know I know my blog is important but I
have been sooooo busy with kiddos, the hubby, and my launch of my new
website! ...
16 years ago