After Just Moving in I am at a point that if I see another cardboard box I think I might commit boxicide!! Unlike most people we have moved 12 times since we got married! The military has been moving us every 3 1/2 years and well because our family seems to be continually growing we have moved due to lack of room, scary locations, just to move into something closer to base ect. After awhile the excitement has truly lost it's luster!
The constant nagging the boxes seem to do drives Gary and myself crazy, the difference is that he is almost always gone when we move so it doesn't yet bother him to move. I on the other hand would enjoy just throwing boxes away or burning them at the stake!!!
The only reason I haven't is hello we need the items in the boxes! I have been throwing away things left and right all remnants of either stuff we kept from our big move to Charleston SC and tried to hang on to everything to make weight, or stained clothes from the normal acts of kiddos either way we have alot of stuff!!!